Posner, Psychology professor emeritus from University of Oregon and Yi-Yuan Tang, a professor in the Institute of Neuroinformatics and Laboratory for Body and Mind at Dalian University of Technology in Dalian, China, showed that meditation could reduce stress. In their study, a group of people who have performed meditation, a form of brain training, could reduce stress, lessen amount of cortisol released and improve attention within five days of training. Learning and changing Before, scientists thought that the brain s network is rigid and fixed, all because of aging. What we know today is that the brain can be molded and changed, even those in the elderly. Brain training follows the concept of plasticity that says the brain is always learning and changing. Plan the strokes and analyze color synthesis and relationships. The right part of your brain houses the subjective artist and the intuitive entity in you. It triggers visual processes that allow you to see beyond the actual image at hand. With your innate ability to mix and match varying forms of ideas as a right-brained person you are able to establish a big picture which is commonly neglected by your lefty counterpart. Sensors are attached to the scalp to monitor brain activity. Eventually, the signals are filtered and the feedback can be seen on a screen and can be heard through earphones or speakers. In neurofeedback sessions, the state when the mind is its calmest is determined. Consistent coaching would help the person to re-create that state and eventually use it to decrease their anxiety or depression. The same goes for Alzheimer s disease which is affecting about five million Americans. Health experts project that Alzheimer patients could reach about 16 million by 2050. That is until the current generation would do something to avoid such problems with memory loss. How does brain training help us in enhancing our memory? Advantages The end result is a heightened learning capability for the child that will continue all throughout his life, barring untoward events and the like. This early brain training is a powerful tool for parents for their children to become smarter. The training is even more powerful for parents of children with learning disabilities or other developmental problems.
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