Emotional balance and healthy lifestyle Emotional balance is usually attained if a person has a healthy outlook in life. A good sense of humor and a healthy sense of curiosity and open-mindedness on everything around make for a good start in a person s emotional balance. Even at an advanced age, a person should always keep a normal healthy lifestyle. No age limit The body may show some signs of wear and tear and the fatigue that goes with them. Exercises have to be modified to fit the person s age doing the physicals. The brain does not have limits. Brain training and other mental calisthenics is a one-size-fits-all commodity, except perhaps for the very young and the very old. Choose a program that would increase a cognitive skill that needs to be worked on. You do not have to choose a brain training program that would already work on a skill where you are good at. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure that a brain training program would be enjoyable for you. The last thing you need is a training that would make you more tired or make children less interested in learning. Scientific exploration of the hippocampus, a region of the brain overseeing memory and learning affairs, led to findings that running has benefits on the brain. Such activity can lead to brain-boosting scenarios even for those who have neurodegenerative disorders. There s an exercise that you might know as part of the warm-up team. Your brain is adapting to a new skill and the more you expose it to such activities the more chances you create in strengthening neural connections. Play is the universal language for the little ones. It can be used to improve the brain s network of communication with other parts of the body. The simple act of manipulating clay dough can do wonders for your child s hand-brain coordination. Jaeggi as the ability to reason and to flexibly adapt to new situations. The game Dr. Jaeggi and colleagues gave 35 volunteers a series of training exercises designed to improve memory and 35 more to a control group. Participants saw a sequence of squares appearing one after the other on the computer every 3 seconds.
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