Music does not only help the brain relax as it can also be a tool that can keep your control unit alert and active. How so? You can do it by creating your own music. Take on the complexities involved in learning how to master an instrument. According to research, children who engage in piano lessons at an early age perform well in school specifically in mathematics. Of course, the brain can take in anything all throughout one s life, but this is the age period of a person when the brain is regarded as a super sponge . This is the time when the biggest gains in his learning ability happen, the best time to engage in brain training. Remarkable capability Early mental stimulation of a child s mind is crucial on how children will learn and interact with everything throughout his life. No age limit The body may show some signs of wear and tear and the fatigue that goes with them. Exercises have to be modified to fit the person s age doing the physicals. The brain does not have limits. Brain training and other mental calisthenics is a one-size-fits-all commodity, except perhaps for the very young and the very old. In turn, the revitalized cells help minimize the effects of Alzheimer s and dementia. Neuron networks During the several tests performed on people, it was found out that the brain s frontal lobe is affected by brain training. This brain study had also demonstrated that networks of neurons would suck up large amounts of blood. Say you re a lefty; utilize the right hand in brushing your teeth, controlling the mouse, or even switching channels with the remote. Do not be alarmed by the awkward feeling. Your brain is adapting to a new skill and the more you expose it to such activities the more chances you create in strengthening neural connections. Meanwhile, a research led by Psychology professor John Gabrieli from the Stanford University, discovered that dyslexia could actually be connected with a defect on a neuron function. Those who have difficulty in reading would often have an abnormal function of the neuron s myelin. By understanding this neurobiological aspect of dyslexia, the researchers were able to design a kind of training which helped dyslexics become better readers after eight weeks of the training.
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