When training the brain, it is important to do different cognitive exercises. It is not enough to focus on one form only like a card game. There are different kinds of brain exercises which can be used like puzzles, optical exercises and illusions, math, reasoning and language exercises. Brain training is also not only mental exercises. Before computer games are regarded negatively, however there are different computer games developed like Brain Trainer, Brain Workout and Brain Age which are known to develop and stimulate the brain with simple exercises. Popular puzzles like sudoku are also available in gaming consoles and even in cellphones. If you are after comprehensive brain training, then it would work if you would be picking a program that does not only contain brain games. Make sure to pick a program that would help you in applying the techniques on your life, like improving your self-confidence, memory, and even develop speed-reading techniques. Even at an advanced age, a person should always keep a normal healthy lifestyle. Everything in moderation goes a long way to maintain one s health. Super fuels Certain substances such as caffeine (in coffee and tea) have been scientifically validated as super-fuels for the brain, giving a short-term boost to functions such as vigilance and memory. It declared that while there is evidence that brain exercises do work to slow down cognitive decline , there was also evidence that the really elderly will not benefit from it. To be effective, the study said, these brain training needs to be started while people are still in the 60s or 70s. These people need early life education and participation in cognitively stimulating leisure activities later in life. Repeat everyday with a different memory. Reasoning Reasoning is one of the most important functions of the brain. One very good way of practicing would be asking the question Why? Simply thinking the possible answers to questions on things that interest you will force your brain to use logic and intuition.
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