Usually, they would have problems balancing their checkbooks or paying bills. Many would be having problems understanding and managing their own health care needs. Most of them have low retirement income because they took low-paying jobs in their working years. Brain training Current research has proven (through MRI) that brain training had been effective in improving memory even in persons with brain impairments or learning disabilities. Neurons It had been long established by science that neurons (nerve cells) are unique in that they will atrophy and die if they do not receive stimulations (either electrical or chemical) from their neighboring cells. Conversely, if these neurons are stimulated (by way of new sensations, new knowledge, and new experiences) they develop new neural connections between themselves. Aside from the Brain Age, there are also other brain trainers which you can use. These hand-held games have different kind of brain exercises which you can use for a few minutes a day. There are websites which also offer free online games. Puzzle solving. If computers and hand-held games is not your cup of tea, then you could start answering puzzle books and pamphlets like sudoku and crossword puzzles. Brain plasticity The whole concept of brain training hinges on the theory of brain plasticity. In the old days, scientists erroneously thought the brain s network is already fixed with the onset of aging and that old people could not learn any more new information. The idea of brain plasticity turned that old notion 180 degrees. Which is why anxiety and depression are associated with cases of death in the country. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illnesses, about 15 million Americans had depression. While about 40 million American each year suffer from anxiety according to the Anxiety Disorder Association in America. Brain training facts Nevertheless, the study results point to the old phrase (directed at first to the benefits of physical exercise) use it or lose it as equally valid for mental fitness, too. Previous studies had also shown that regular brain training sessions can help ward off dementia and symptoms of Alzheimer s disease.
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