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Elevate App Review (2021) - Are Brain Training Apps Worth It?

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Brain training Current research has proven (through MRI) that brain training had been effective in improving memory even in persons with brain impairments or learning disabilities. The theory is that these daily mental activities may have improved blood circulation to the brain and improved its functions. Studies show that many brain training exercises turn on the frontal lobe of the brain in a stronger way and act as brain booster by reviving the neurons and improving your grey matter creativity. Common brain training aids There are so many good brain training exercises as well as brain stretching and fun games to stimulate our minds. The creators of the training believed that through improving the memory capacity, more information could be retained, detected and used by the mind. Meanwhile, a research led by Psychology professor John Gabrieli from the Stanford University, discovered that dyslexia could actually be connected with a defect on a neuron function. According to Elizabeth A.L. Stine-Morrow from the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, their research actually showed that brain training effects were maintained over five years among the elderly who participated in their study. This showed that the cognitive skills learned through brain training could actually deliver long-term effects which could significantly affect our mental health over the years to come. Say you re a lefty; utilize the right hand in brushing your teeth, controlling the mouse, or even switching channels with the remote. Do not be alarmed by the awkward feeling. Your brain is adapting to a new skill and the more you expose it to such activities the more chances you create in strengthening neural connections. A research performed by the University of Rochester showed that those who are playing action video games were able to process visual information faster that non-gamers by 30%. Through this study, researchers are already looking into using action games for rehabilitating visually-impaired patients. If action games could help in your mental processes, think about the effects of brain exercises, brain teasers, puzzles, board and card games. 

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