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The best brain training app is NOT the one you're thinking of.

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Here are some games which could excite your brain. Sudoku. It is a logic-based puzzle which would require you to place numbers in a 9x9 grid. It was popularized by the Japanese company Nikoli in 1986 until it became a hit in 2005. Crossword puzzles. Solving crosswords would help develop different skills like vocabulary, spelling, reasoning, identifying similar and connected words and phrases. By doing so, you will come out of the exercise feeling revived and ready to take on the challenge at hand. Chess is a classic board game that can test your critical thinking skills. It allows you to focus on the game and trace future moves that can result into a win. If you are tired of playing with predictable individuals in your house or neighborhood you can rely on the World Wide Web to bring forth a roster of international online players willing to take your king down. In Jean Piaget s theory on children s cognitive development, there are four stages of cognitive growth among children: the sensorimotor stage (during infancy), pre-operational stage (toddler and early childhood), concrete operational stage (elementary and early adolescence_ and formal operational stage (adolescence until adulthood). The tasks were adapted in a way that when participants performed well, the task became harder. If participants performed badly, the task becomes easier. In effect, the task always matched the processing abilities of the participants. The performance After the tests (conducted extensively on 4 groups, etc. Reliable improvements had been noted at 87% in speed training and at 74% in reasoning training. These improvements in mental acuity had been detected for about two years or more by the authorities. Long-term effects In short, these improvements in brain abilities (better memory, better problem-solving skills, and better concentration) after training have roughly counteracted cognitive decline that older people (even those without histories of dementia) are known for. It is not just for the elderly anymore, the market is reaching different kinds of people and ages. Even children from ages 4 to 7 are being targets for brain and cognitive training products. In the report released by Ambient Insight, they predicted that there are four products that will increase in revenue: assessments, tutors, brain games for mobile phones and brain fitness games and applications. 

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