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Reboot Your Brain in 30 Seconds - (Discovered by Dr Alan Mandell, DC)

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Next time around if you want to get your mental acts together go out and enjoy what the world has to offer. Medical experts suggest that you spark up your brain at an early age. This act is important in storing cognitive reserves that will help you fend off brain damaging disorders. One method of attracting those reserves is by regularly hanging on to a book that can keep the motors on your brain running. Posner, Psychology professor emeritus from University of Oregon and Yi-Yuan Tang, a professor in the Institute of Neuroinformatics and Laboratory for Body and Mind at Dalian University of Technology in Dalian, China, showed that meditation could reduce stress. In their study, a group of people who have performed meditation, a form of brain training, could reduce stress, lessen amount of cortisol released and improve attention within five days of training. Brain training as cognitive therapy, like in ADHD cases, could be done using computer programs. Actually, using computer software is more cost-efficient and easiest for one-on-one instruction. By using a software, the users would immediately receive positive reinforcement through rewards or praises which helps in improving their self-esteem and confidence. Brain mapping There are now facilities today that offer brain training using modern techniques and the latest technologies. Usually, these modern clinics begin their program with brain-mapping. This is to assess the present electromagnetic readings of the brain, its many parts, and the activities in each of these areas. For two to three minutes ignore everything around you and focus on what you have to achieve. By doing so, you will come out of the exercise feeling revived and ready to take on the challenge at hand. Chess is a classic board game that can test your critical thinking skills. It allows you to focus on the game and trace future moves that can result into a win. What surprised the other scientists and psychologists was the fact that in practice, the only way to increase fluid intelligence is through direct practice of the tests themselves. This time, however, the work of Drs. Jaeggi and Buschkuhl and colleagues overturned this long-held view. Their brain training method increased fluid intelligence scores simply by training. 

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