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The Best Way to Train Your Brain: A Game

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The American Medical Association, cited that there are 75% of illnesses attributed to stress. World Health Organization (WHO) identifies stress as the leading health problem among Americans. Physical health is not the only thing affected by stress. Stress lead do depression or anxiety attacks, which translates to trips to the doctor to get prescription. Good health and good nutrition is a pre-requisite to improving your mental abilities. Memory Medical authorities are targeting brain training on the rehabilitation of our three key mental skills memory, visualization and reasoning. Good memory is simply making mental connections. The more connections you have of something, the more likely you can remember it. Brain training and other mental calisthenics is a one-size-fits-all commodity, except perhaps for the very young and the very old. The following are some of the regular and more common forms of brain training activities. Memory test Memory tests are always fun, and helpful. Test your memory and while you are doing the games, you shall also stimulate your brain, and grow more neurons. Improving the mind Initially, these brain training exercises have been developed first to offset or eliminate the effects of Alzheimer s disease, dementia and to generally improve the mind. Alzheimer s, dementia and aging have been found to decrease the amount of blood flow to the brain. These brain training games, on the other hand, are thought to rush blood into the brain and revitalize the brain cells. Researchers believe that restricting intakes of calorie triggers some mechanism that allows neurons to live longer. Recent studies indicate that the Mediterranean diet (lots of fruits and vegetables, olive oil, moderate dairy and red meat, eggs and wine) tops the others as the most ideal so far. The same goes with antioxidant-rich food such as spinach and green cabbage as well as blueberries and raspberries. This series of mental drills was first intended to reduce the effects of symptoms connected with Alzheimer s and other related illnesses that lead to the deterioration of such brain functions like memory, perception and reasoning. Later, this developed into a full-pledged health aid when research discovered that brain training had helped improve memorization and visual reasoning. 

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