Basically, the root cause for heartburn is lifestyle or diet. Improper lifestyle and diet can relax the lower esophageal sphincter or LES, which will prevent it from closing properly. When this happens, the acid in your stomach will come in contact with the esophagus, which ultimately causes you to experience what we all know as heartburn. Doing so will help reduce the amount of acid produced in your stomach, which will in turn decrease your chances of experiencing heartburn. The second is to eat healthy. If you can, you should try and maintain a food diary. This way, you will be able to track down food that causes you to experience heartburn. So, here are natural remedies that will be able to take care of heartburn and eventually lessen its frequency. You have to remember that heartburn is primarily caused by bad diet habits. These days, people tend to eat more junk, which are very hard to digest. Because of this, the stomach produces more acid in order to digest these types of foods properly, which is primarily what you don t want to happen as it will increase the likelihood of experiencing heartburn. You should also drink plenty of water instead of taking carbonated drinks. If you can, try to drink water that is in room temperature. This will help flush down toxins and it will also help dilute the acid in your stomach. In case you are experiencing heartburn, one great way to get relief from its symptoms is to drink water with baking soda. Green tea and chamomile tea can work very well in helping with digestive problems, such as heartburn. There are also people who say that ginger tea works best for treating heartburn. Try drinking tea once a day and you will see a big difference as it will be able to reduce the frequency of heartburn you experience. The best thing that you can do is to stand upright, swallow saliva or water, and take antacids. If the stomach acid travels beyond the esophagus and makes its way in to your mouth, you will experience a bitter or sour taste. This is called regurgitation and is common after eating meals especially when you lie down, bend over or strain.
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