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Spencer Stone’s Story - Heartburn and Acid Reflux Patient

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First of all, you need to know that heartburn is in no way related to any heart related diseases. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in to contact with your esophagus. This will cause irritation where you will feel a burning sensation starting in your diaphragm up to your chest. This is why you have to go to your doctor when you experience heartburn. This way, you will be diagnosed properly and be given the proper medications for the type of disease you have. You have to be concerned if you have heartburn because this is one of the major symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, which can lead to the inflammation of the esophagus. This is where the stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus causing irritation and ultimately causing heartburn. And, you will also taste something bitter or sour when you experience heartburn. This is mainly the stomach acid reaching your throat and mouth. Most people treat heartburn symptoms through lifestyle modification and the use of antacids. Here are ways on how you can prevent or at least manage heartburn during pregnancy. Firstly, you have to realize that heartburn is caused by a backflow of stomach acid in to the esophagus. This happens because the muscles in your stomach relax because of the hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy. The LES acts as a valve that separates the stomach acid from the esophagus. Lastly, try to adjust your body position when sleeping. If you have nighttime heartburns, try to elevate your head. But, try not to use extra pillows to elevate your head. Instead, place a wedge underneath the mattress or raise the bed with a 6 inch block on the part where your head is. For example, eating an apple a day together with a glass of lukewarm water can help lessen the frequency of heartburn. You can also consider consuming baking soda with water, which is also known as a very effective heartburn remedy. Although this may not taste as good as a soda, this will help heartburn sufferers by eliminating gas bubbles in your stomach. 

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