But, for some people, this doesn t work. If you still suffer from heartburn symptoms despite making lifestyle changes and using antacids, it may be a sign that you are suffering from a more serious condition where heartburn is only a symptom. If this is so, then your health care provider or doctor may prescribe you some of these drugs. This will really help ease the pain you feel during heartburn attacks and it will also lessen your dependency on drugs. So, here are 5 natural cures that will make a big difference when it comes to treating heartburn. The first is to drink more water. This is the most simple yet the most neglected advice for heartburn remedy. By cleaning your digestive system from toxins, stomach acid production will decrease, which in turn will also decrease the likelihood of heartburn. You should also drink plenty of water instead of taking carbonated drinks. If you can, try to drink water that is in room temperature. This will help flush down toxins and it will also help dilute the acid in your stomach. The result is feeling a burning sensation that starts on the diaphragm all the way to the chest. Usually, heartburn is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste, which is primarily the stomach acid you regurgitated and made its way to your mouth. To make things worse, women who are pregnant are more susceptible to heartburn. But, you have to remember that relief will only be temporary and over the counter heartburn drugs will not prevent heartburn from returning and it will also not allow an injured esophagus to heal. The rule here is to see the doctor if you need antacids to get relief from heartburn for more than 2 weeks. For starters, heartburn happens when the stomach acid refluxes or backs up in to the esophagus. This can happen because of several reasons. The first reason is that the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is weakened or relaxed and doesn t do its job properly. Basically, the LES is the valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach.
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