But, you still have to keep in mind that this does not rule out that it can be caused by heart related illnesses or diseases. This is primarily the reason why you have to go to the doctor in order to get it diagnosed properly and determine the cause of heartburn. The doctor may try to diagnose you biochemically or mechanically. In some cases, more than one of these drugs are prescribed in order to cure or treat a case of chronic heartburn. In rare cases, chronic heartburn may be accompanied by a condition called Hiatal hernia. This will require surgery in order to treat heartburn. You also need to keep in mind that lifestyle changes are important in order to treat heartburn permanently. It will also make it harder for you to swallow and if GERD is left untreated, it can lead to more serious medical problems, such as cancer of the esophagus and even stomach cancer. People with this disease will suffer many sleepless nights because of the pain. As a result, people with GERD will live a lower quality of life. If you still suffer from heartburn symptoms despite making lifestyle changes and using antacids, it may be a sign that you are suffering from a more serious condition where heartburn is only a symptom. If this is so, then your health care provider or doctor may prescribe you some of these drugs. After antacids, the next group of drugs that you may need to take for easing heartburn symptoms is histamine-2 blockers. This is why you have to know about the available medical treatments in order for you to properly manage heartburn and take control of your life from heartburn. Over the counter antacids are the oldest and also one of the most effective treatments for heartburn. Hundreds of years ago, people chewed on chalk to ease heartburn. Ways to Prevent Nighttime Heartburn If you experienced heartburn before, then you know that it is unpleasant, painful and in most cases, distressing. You have to know that millions of people from different parts of the world suffer from heartburn and it is also a very old condition that humans suffer from.
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