When stomach acid comes in to contact with our esophagus, it will cause irritation and we will feel that burning sensation that starts in our diaphragm all the way to our chest, which is basically what we all know as heartburn. It s an unpleasant feeling that you have to learn how to prevent in order for you to continue living a normal life and also keep your body healthy. However, you need to remember that you should never try and second guess yourself when you feel chest pain for any reason. It s also easy to mistake a heart attack with heartburn, which is why you have to seek medical attention immediately after feeling any type of chest pain. Never rule out heart attack as a cause of chest pain even if you frequently experience heartburn. It puts pressure on the stomach, which pushes stomach contents, such as acid, up. Obesity is also another contributing factor to chronic heartburn. The reason behind this is because of the fat belly, which also puts pressure on the stomach. The pressure pushes the stomach acid up to the esophagus, which causes heartburn. This means that you may need to give up or limit some of the foods you eat in order for you to prevent experiencing heartburn. So, what are the foods that you can eat and what are the foods that you should avoid? Foods To Avoid If you constantly experience heartburn, you may want to cut down on the consumption of citrus fruits. This is primarily the reason why you have to go to the doctor in order to get it diagnosed properly and determine the cause of heartburn. The doctor may try to diagnose you biochemically or mechanically. The biochemical method of diagnosing means that a probe will be placed via the nose and in to the esophagus. However, this is not always true as there are quite a lot of people who have successfully treated heartburn without depending too much on medications. A lot of heartburn sufferers today are what you can call pill poppers because they are told by medical professionals that taking drugs is the only way to alleviate the symptoms associated by heartburn.
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