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Can Urine Cure Athlete's Foot?

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And also, you should take care that the other parts of your body will not be affected by the fungus in your feet. After all you do not want your whole body to be suffering from fungus or your whole team or your whole family suffering from fungus. When fungus strikes, treat it right away and then make sure that you wash your feet regularly and dry them after washing so that it will not strike again. How Do You Treat A Problem Such As Athletes Foot By definition, athlete s foot refers to the common fungus infection that can be found between a person s toes. Characterized by itchy, sore, cracked, and peeling skin, athlete s foot is said to be one of the most common skin diseases experience by people across the globe. The Symptoms of Athletes Foot Many studies have proven that the major reason why people develop athlete s foot is because they can t keep their feet dry at all times. Another reason is that they can t avoid going to places where lots of people use the same facility such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and shower areas where the athlete s foot-causing fungi grow and thrives. When Prevention Becomes The Ultimate Solution Tinea pedis or athlete s foot is considered as a fungal infection of the skin of the feet. A skin infection in the foot caused by a fungus known as trichophyton, athlete s foot can be a major skin condition if it s not treated and prevented early. It is best to visit a dermatologist or podiatrist to cure the problem before it gets worse. Lightness is of course highly essential because trudging along many flights of stairs or covering long distances will not be as tiresome when you are wearing the right footwear. Checking your shoes in relation to how it allows air to come in through it is also good. If ever you need to wear socks, make sure you change when you perspire heavily or whenever you feel uncomfortable. This over-the-counter medicine help treat the athlete's foot by killing the fungi that inhabit the area. Some of the most popular brands are Lamisil and Lotrimin. Another treatment for these fungal infections is the athlete's foot powder, which primarily works as a drying agent that keeps the moisture away from the affected area. 

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