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Dr. Scholl's | NEW Instant Cool Athlete's Foot Solutions

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Let us start off with the simple fact and that is to avoid walking barefoot. Of course, wear comfortable shoes when you are on the go and when you get home ready to slip on those slippers. There should be slippers to be used only outside of the house and another pair exclusively for roaming around inside the house. Prevention For That Embarrassing Fungal Foot Infection Athlete's foot can be a nagging problem for anyone. It is caused by a fungus that can cause itching, inflammation and blisters. The foot becomes a thriving breeding ground for such type of fungus because they provide a dark and humid environment which encourages fungus growth. A home cure for athlete's foot can be found in any ordinary kitchen. Garlic has proven itself as an effective fungicide that can kill the athlete's foot fungus. Crushed raw garlic placed on dry socks that you wear while sleeping is enough to help you get rid of the disease. Essential oils are another group of home remedies that can be used to effectively treat your athlete's foot. So while it is not good to expose your fungus to the whole world, it is not good to cover it up as well because it might spread more if it is covered up. Athlete s Foot is trouble. It should be one s goal then to stay away from having that condition simply by taking care of one s self. Caring for your body is a must that you should never take for granted otherwise you might regret it. This is the area most often affected by the fungus. Of course, itchiness can also reach the backs of the feet as well as the skins of the toes. The infection may also cause redness in the affected areas. The skin will often crack and when not treated, may result in blisters. In some cases, the toe nails may develop a yellowish color. In cases that are not treated early, people with athlete's foot may also develop yellowed and thick toenails because of the spread of fungi. There are a variety of medicines, topical medicines that will help cure athlete's foot. One of the most common type of drugs for these fungal infection is the athlete's foot cream. 

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