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How to Treat Athlete's Foot - Podiatrists Discuss

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The procedure does not hurt because the feet have thick skin so one does not have to worry and anyway it s for an even more accurate examination. Prescription of anti-fugal medication that can be applied topically on the affected area or oral medicines to be taken in are the first steps taken when Athlete s Foot occurs. Wear sandals When inside locker rooms or when walking by the poolside or anywhere moist, wear sandals. As mentioned above, going barefoot can be a real magnet for all kinds of bacteria and fungi. Socks is the answer Wear cotton socks all the time as these help in absorbing much of the sweat and moisture in your feet thereby preventing the growth of the fungi. Always use it most especially before doing any activity that will surely leave you perspiring. You can use it minimally everyday just to make sure you will not as perspire as much when commuting or walking to and from work. From now on, talcum powder should be in the list of care items to buy. The best pair of shoes to buy is a pair that is both light and airy. So while it is not good to expose your fungus to the whole world, it is not good to cover it up as well because it might spread more if it is covered up. Athlete s Foot is trouble. It should be one s goal then to stay away from having that condition simply by taking care of one s self. Caring for your body is a must that you should never take for granted otherwise you might regret it. Topical medications or topical antifungal agents that has miconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and a keratolytic like salicylic acid are usually given to the patient to kill the fungus. However, topical medications only cure the infection of about 30 percent once the medication is applied. That is why doctors suggest that the patients use the medication for a specific period of time for the fungi to be eliminated. The best way of preventing athlete's foot is by always keeping the feet dry and clean. Using foot powder before you put on your shoes or socks can help keep your feet dry and prevent fungus from ever making your foot their breeding ground. Washing your feet regularly with soap can also help prevent the fungus from developing and infecting you. 

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