Also known as Tinea Pedis, athlete's foot is a fungus infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. They breed and multiply in warm and damp places of which the feet can provide as an ideal environment. Dermatophytes also live off your dead skin cells which really make your feet the best area for them to thrive. Walking barefoot can cause so much trouble for you in terms of contracting all kinds of fungi and bacteria. Athlete's foot will often cause itchiness in the toes particularly in the creases in between the toes. There will also be a lot of redness and scaling in the affected areas. When not treated, the infection can lead to blisters on the skin and yellowed toenails. There is a sport for every human being in this planet. If you do not have one, it is only because you did not go around looking for that one sport for you or worse you never tried any sport at all. Every clique and every country has a favorite sport they love and extensively promote. Europe will never be the same without football. Also, you can take necessary precautions by practicing good hygiene on your body at all times and at all costs. Fungus can be contagious because as the term breed connotes it spreads easily so if you have fungus make sure you stay away from people until you are cured already. It really is more of your affected area that you should keep people away from. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration. Increased use of sandals can also help prevent making your feet a breeding ground for any fungus. Make use of thinner socks as much as possible if you are really required to wear the shoes. Athlete's foot as mentioned before, is a fungal infection caused by the organism tinea pedis. This fungus can be found in warm and moist areas such as shower rooms, gyms, spa houses and even by the poolside. They survive and multiply in moist places such as those and adhere to the skins of the feet when they have the chance.
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