It is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of human skin that result to infections. Fungi the primary cause of athlete s foot are known to thrive in warm, dark, and moist areas like inside of the shoes. These fungi also thrive on dead body tissues like dead skin and nails. Since it is very contagious, more and more people become prone to the skin condition. Athlete's foot may also cause the skin to break, resulting in blisters. In cases that are not treated early, people with athlete's foot may also develop yellowed and thick toenails because of the spread of fungi. There are a variety of medicines, topical medicines that will help cure athlete's foot. One of the most common type of drugs for these fungal infection is the athlete's foot cream. Another reason is that they can t avoid going to places where lots of people use the same facility such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and shower areas where the athlete s foot-causing fungi grow and thrives. Aside from these facilities, the fungus that causes the skin disease can also be found on the floors and clothing as well as to dark, warm, or humid areas. Always use it most especially before doing any activity that will surely leave you perspiring. You can use it minimally everyday just to make sure you will not as perspire as much when commuting or walking to and from work. From now on, talcum powder should be in the list of care items to buy. The best pair of shoes to buy is a pair that is both light and airy. The ayurvedic remedy does this by initially cleaning your foot area with about four to ten drops of tea tree oil. A mixture of aloe vera gel with tumeric is also applied to the feet every morning and evening. This is done for two weeks after which, with some evident signs of improvement, the therapy is continued for another week. If the fungal infection of the foot gets worse or does not subside after application of topical medication, a dermatologist or a physician may prescribe oral anti-fungal medication such as pill or tablets to kill the persistent and recurrent skin disease. Aside from a cleanliness routine, make sure that you also take preventive steps and measures to keep the fungus from coming back.
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