Athletes make frequent use of such facilities and are therefore more likely to suffer from the disease, hence the popularity of the name. There are other fungal infections that can be similar to the ones brought about by athlete's foot such as eczema, psoriasis, and other infections and should be treated differently. Treating The Common Skin Condition Although athlete s foot can be found in areas where you cannot avoid, it doesn t mean that you cannot treat or prevent it once you have acquired it. Medical experts say that this disease can be persistent and difficult to eliminate completely and totally but can be treated by having proper hygiene and by using medication administered by a professional. Treating athlete's foot may require using topical or oral preparations to keep the fungus infection in check. There are also natural cures that you can make use to get rid of athlete's foot. One is by making use of a number of herbal therapies which has proven effective in treating athlete's foot. One such method is the Ayurvedic therapy. The Shoe Treatment for Your Foot Infection If you want to avoid acquiring athlete's foot, the type of shoes that you wear can also greatly help your cause. Athlete's foot is a recurring problem for a great number of people. The reason for this is because they fail to follow healthy foot hygiene. This also includes wearing poorly ventilated footwear. If you are one of those people who experiences sweaty feet or one of those who cannot avoid going to public areas, then now is the time to discover what are the symptoms of athlete s foot before the condition gets worse. Experts say that since athlete s foot is divided into three types that include chronic interdigital athlete s foot, chronic scaly athlete s foot or the moccasin type and the acute vesicular athlete s foot, symptoms may vary. This is especially true if you have used it for so long during the day and there is sweat inside. Wear sandals When inside locker rooms or when walking by the poolside or anywhere moist, wear sandals. As mentioned above, going barefoot can be a real magnet for all kinds of bacteria and fungi. Socks is the answer Wear cotton socks all the time as these help in absorbing much of the sweat and moisture in your feet thereby preventing the growth of the fungi.
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