It is best to visit a dermatologist or podiatrist to cure the problem before it gets worse. If you are advised by the physician to use medication either topical or oral make sure that you educate yourself about the proper prevention of athlete s foot to keep it from being recurrent. These simple rules of good hygiene can keep you away from the persistent fungi that cause athlete s foot: 1. Remember that tinea pedis, the fungus that causes athlete's foot can survive in puddles of water, just waiting for some foot to get close so that they can adhere to it. 2. Wear socks. It may seem a really simple solution but wearing socks can help you a lot when it comes to preventing the occurrence of athlete's foot. Socks is the answer Wear cotton socks all the time as these help in absorbing much of the sweat and moisture in your feet thereby preventing the growth of the fungi. Don t use those socks again! Change them often. Throw them into the laundry bin after use. A fresh pair of socks can help in preventing athlete's foot from occurring. This is because shoes causes the feet to perspire, a suitable environment which the fungus needs to breed and multiply. A good way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration. There are a number of treatments available to get rid of athlete's foot. Over-the-counter anti-fungal medications are now available in drug stores that will be able to effectively cure your athlete's foot. There are topical foot creams as well as oral applications that can cure you of such fungal infections. What Does Athletes Foot Look Like There are other conditions that mimic Athlete s Foot that we should be aware about like that of simple disturbances in the body s sweat mechanism, reaction to certain components of the shoes like dyes or adhesives with weird chemical combinations, eczema and psoriasis.
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