Eczema is scientifically known as atopic dermatitis but physically it is just a non-contagious chronic skin disorder that results to an itchy, red, raised rash that may weep or ooze clear fluid. Psoriasis, on the other hand, can be caused by stress and excessive alcohol consumption. Fingernails and toenails are the usual body areas affected by psoriasis. This over-the-counter medicine help treat the athlete's foot by killing the fungi that inhabit the area. Some of the most popular brands are Lamisil and Lotrimin. Another treatment for these fungal infections is the athlete's foot powder, which primarily works as a drying agent that keeps the moisture away from the affected area. Aside from a cleanliness routine, make sure that you also take preventive steps and measures to keep the fungus from coming back. You can do this by keep the feet dry so the medication can pass through the pores of the affected area, avoiding areas that houses facilities that everybody can use or wearing sandals if you can t avoid going to places like gym, shower or locker room, changing socks often, and by using talcum powder on your feet to keep it dry. Wearing shoes often can help bring about such infection. This is because shoes causes the feet to perspire, a suitable environment which the fungus needs to breed and multiply. A good way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration. This is done for two weeks after which, with some evident signs of improvement, the therapy is continued for another week. There are also other natural remedies available to get rid of athlete's foot. Some ingredients easily found in the kitchen can help in trying to stop the fungus infection from getting worse. Get Rid of Athlete's Foot Before it Occurs Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the fungus called tinea pedis. This fungus often lives and grows in areas that are moist and warm such as the environment inside your footwear. The fungus tines pedis is actually often contracted in areas that are wet and moist.
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