What to do to Cure Athlete's Foot Athlete's foot is one of the most common feet problems in the country. And despite being named after an athlete, this fungal infection can actually affect everyone. Sportsmen, office people, old people, children, men and women all are affected. Athlete's foot is an infection in the feet caused by the fungus, tinea pedis, which often lives in warm and moist environments. They can be found lounging around in areas where there is moisture such as in locker rooms in college gyms, the swimming pool area, the bathroom, and even the classiest spa houses in the country. This love for moisture is the reason why the fungus just loves the environment inside your footwear especially rubber shoes that are not often aired out and dried properly. According to medical experts, the types of athlete s foot can be categorized into three: the Chronic interdigital athlete s foot, the Chronic scaly athlete s foot (moccasin type) and the Acute vesicular athlete s foot. Chronic Interdigital Athlete s Foot is considered as the most common type of the skin disease experienced by people. If the fungal infection of the foot gets worse or does not subside after application of topical medication, a dermatologist or a physician may prescribe oral anti-fungal medication such as pill or tablets to kill the persistent and recurrent skin disease. Aside from a cleanliness routine, make sure that you also take preventive steps and measures to keep the fungus from coming back. Dermatologists can say if you have Athlete s Foot but if you want a feet specialist then check out your directory for the best podiatrist you can find in your area. A podiatrist can better give an assessment because that is his area of expertise. Usually a mere look at the feet is enough to tell if the condition you have is Athlete s Foot or not but at certain times there is a need to take out a piece of the affected area for examination. Technically, athlete s foot is caused by a fungal infection that transpires between the fourth and fifth toes of a person. It is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of human skin that result to infections. Fungi the primary cause of athlete s foot are known to thrive in warm, dark, and moist areas like inside of the shoes.
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