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What is Athlete's Foot?

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Going barefoot will only make your feet vulnerable to fungus that may be lounging in the surrounding areas. Fungi just love warm and wet floors so make sure that you do not give them the opportunity to latch on to your feet when you step on them. Wear socks and change them often. A good pair of cotton socks can help you a lot in getting rid of and avoiding fungus. Lightness is of course highly essential because trudging along many flights of stairs or covering long distances will not be as tiresome when you are wearing the right footwear. Checking your shoes in relation to how it allows air to come in through it is also good. If ever you need to wear socks, make sure you change when you perspire heavily or whenever you feel uncomfortable. This is why it is important that you always wear sandals or footwear even on this environment. Walking barefoot can cause so much trouble for you in terms of contracting all kinds of fungi and bacteria. Athlete's foot will often cause itchiness in the toes particularly in the creases in between the toes. Other topical applications may include Castellani s Paint, Carbol Fuscin Red dye, and gentian violet to cure bacterial and fungal infections. If the case is serious, oral treatment with griseofulvin is usually advised because these provide long lasting cure. Aside from curing the skin condition through the use of either topical or oral medication, a patient suffering from athlete s foot can also treat the infection by keeping proper hygiene. Usually dermatologists are just associated with face skin problems like acne problems but dermatologists actually care for skin problems on any part of one s body including the feet! Since Athlete s Foot start out with rashes or skin redness it is but normal to have a dermatologists check the irregularities in skin condition and usually the dermatologists are able to identify Athlete s Foot and suggest cures for the existing condition. There are topical foot creams as well as oral applications that can cure you of such fungal infections. What you may not know is that there are also several home remedies that may be able to help you get rid of athlete's foot. You may not know it, but there are several home remedies available that can help you get rid of irritating and troublesome fungal infections such as athlete's foot. 

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