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Athlete's foot symptoms and treatment | Athlete's foot home remedies with cream

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The store name doubling as brand name is very smart. One might think that it is a bad choice considering the bad picture that comes to mind when Athlete s Foot is mentioned but upon closer look you will realize that and athlete s foot and footwear can make a lot of difference in the athlete s over all performance. There are chances that these medications will not take effect because of your not being able to practice good hygiene. So before applying any medicine or even aside from taking medicines, make sure that you also clean your feet properly with soap and water as constantly as needed. After washing, make sure to dry both feet as well. However, if you are not hygienic and your feet are always wet and moist, then there is a great possibility that athlete's foot will develop. You must remember that the fungi that cause the problem loves wet places. So keep those feet dry. Do not go barefoot. When inside public shower rooms and locker rooms, make sure that you are wearing sandals to protect your feet. Athlete s foot usually occurs when the feet or other areas of the body stay moist and warm and eventually becomes irritated with fungus. This skin condition can also be acquired when a person has direct contact with the objects or persons infected by the fungus. When Prevention Becomes The Ultimate Solution Tinea pedis or athlete s foot is considered as a fungal infection of the skin of the feet. People who suffer from chronic interdigital athlete s foot experience heavy scaling, fissures, and maceration usually in the 4th and 5th toe webs while the moccasin type is characterized by the presence of dry, silvery, and very fine scaly skin on the sole. The acute vesicular, on the other hand, shows abrupt onset of painful blisters that can spread to different areas of the body such as arms, chest, and sides of the fingers. Knowing The Causes Statistics show that almost 70 to 80 percent of the world s population has experienced athlete s foot at one point of their lives. This is because it can easily be acquired by direct contact with the things or person who has been infected with the fungi. Aside from having direct contact to the person or the object that has been infected, athlete s foot can also be transmitted through contact with pets that carry it the fungus on their furs. 

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