This skin condition is considered common to people ages 15 and above. Although some symptoms may occur to children 12 years and below, experts say that these are not serious indications of athlete s foot but skin allergy or any other skin condition. Knowing The Causes Statistics show that almost 70 to 80 percent of the world s population has experienced athlete s foot at one point of their lives. A good way of preventing such an infection is by choosing the type of shoes that you wear. Consider using light and airy footwear to make sure that your feet is always properly ventilated and prevent excessive perspiration. Increased use of sandals can also help prevent making your feet a breeding ground for any fungus. Since Athlete s Foot start out with rashes or skin redness it is but normal to have a dermatologists check the irregularities in skin condition and usually the dermatologists are able to identify Athlete s Foot and suggest cures for the existing condition. Dermatologists can say if you have Athlete s Foot but if you want a feet specialist then check out your directory for the best podiatrist you can find in your area. The acute vesicular, on the other hand, shows abrupt onset of painful blisters that can spread to different areas of the body such as arms, chest, and sides of the fingers. Studies show that the general symptoms of the skin condition such as athlete s foot include drying and itching of skin, burning sensation on the soles, and redness or blistering on the skin of the feet. Finding the Natural Cure For The Common Foot Fungal Infection You do not need to be an athlete to get athlete's foot. Also known as Tinea Pedis, athlete's foot is a fungus infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. They breed and multiply in warm and damp places of which the feet can provide as an ideal environment. So while it is not good to expose your fungus to the whole world, it is not good to cover it up as well because it might spread more if it is covered up. Athlete s Foot is trouble. It should be one s goal then to stay away from having that condition simply by taking care of one s self. Caring for your body is a must that you should never take for granted otherwise you might regret it.
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