However, if you are not hygienic and your feet are always wet and moist, then there is a great possibility that athlete's foot will develop. You must remember that the fungi that cause the problem loves wet places. So keep those feet dry. Do not go barefoot. When inside public shower rooms and locker rooms, make sure that you are wearing sandals to protect your feet. Also known medically as tinea pedis, athlete's foot starts as the fungus is gets its way into your foot through a variety of ways. The fungus can be contracted by frequenting damp and warm areas such as locker rooms and common showers, which provide an ideal breeding ground for the fungus that causes athlete's foot. If the case is serious, oral treatment with griseofulvin is usually advised because these provide long lasting cure. Aside from curing the skin condition through the use of either topical or oral medication, a patient suffering from athlete s foot can also treat the infection by keeping proper hygiene. If all these measures failed and you now have to deal with Athlete s Foot then go to the nearest drug store because there are over the counter topical and oral medications available. You can ask for suggestions from your pharmacists which brands to buy but it does not really matter because most of these brands as long as they are not fake meds have the same working ingredients. Rashes always signal some irregularities so rashes in the feet area is something you should give attention to. Athlete s Foot looks really gross. It is very yucky because it usually damp and scaly that it makes anyone with the disease very uncomfortable. Since it breeds somewhere between the toes, it is very icky that any movement becomes squeaky. Wear rubber sandals or water shoes when using public showers or locker rooms to avoid being infected with the fungus. 7. Be meticulous about your socks. Make sure that you always wear clean and dry socks. If possible, choose white socks that are made out of cotton or acrylic so it can absorb extra moisture from your feet.
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