There are also natural cures that you can make use to get rid of athlete's foot. One is by making use of a number of herbal therapies which has proven effective in treating athlete's foot. One such method is the Ayurvedic therapy. Such a therapy aims to eliminate toxins in the body and increase immunity as well as soothe the senses by using a variety of herbal preparations. Washing your feet with soap and water often and drying them properly especially the toe webs can eliminate the moist and warm areas where the fungus thrive. 2. Avoid wearing footwear such as shoes, socks, slippers, or foot towels owned by another person. To avoid the spread of infection, don t wear someone else s footwear especially if the person already suffers from athlete s foot. Even when one is not wearing shoes, dampness of areas around common areas like swimming pools, showers and locker rooms are a favorite hangout of fungi. Avoid spending most of your time in these areas if you do not need to but if you really have to then request from caretakers of these places to maintain the cleanliness. This love for moisture is the reason why the fungus just loves the environment inside your footwear especially rubber shoes that are not often aired out and dried properly. And remember this, once the fungus inhabit your shoes, it will be really hard to make it go away. But how does this fungus get into your shoes? The United States of America can never have enough of the National Basketball Association and Superbowl. Sports channels like ESPN and Star Sports thrive on healthy ratings and steady support from advertisers. It follows then sports personalities are just as well loved around the world. Michael Jordan has Nike. Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to keep it clean. Try not to walk around damp areas such as shower and locker rooms on barefoot. You might be risking getting infected by doing so. Try also to avoid using towels as well as shoes or socks by others. Doing this can help easily transmit athlete's foot as well as other fungal infections from one person to another.
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