Also known as Tinea Pedis, athlete's foot is a fungus infection caused by a type of fungus known as dermatophytes. They breed and multiply in warm and damp places of which the feet can provide as an ideal environment. Dermatophytes also live off your dead skin cells which really make your feet the best area for them to thrive. Socks is the answer Wear cotton socks all the time as these help in absorbing much of the sweat and moisture in your feet thereby preventing the growth of the fungi. Don t use those socks again! Change them often. Throw them into the laundry bin after use. A fresh pair of socks can help in preventing athlete's foot from occurring. Increased use of sandals can also help prevent making your feet a breeding ground for any fungus. Make use of thinner socks as much as possible if you are really required to wear the shoes. Also try to make use of talcum powder on your feet to keep it dry when you wear your shoes. Talcum powder can help absorb the perspiration from your feet and keep it dry al the time. Prevention For That Embarrassing Fungal Foot Infection Athlete's foot can be a nagging problem for anyone. It is caused by a fungus that can cause itching, inflammation and blisters. The foot becomes a thriving breeding ground for such type of fungus because they provide a dark and humid environment which encourages fungus growth. Penicillin kills most kinds of bacteria. The most important thing to do is to go see your doctor as soon as possible because an Athlete s Foot that is not treated can spread to other parts of the body and other people that may have come in contact with the affected area. A worsened case of Athlete s Foot can be detrimental to the victim s daily activities and to his or her surroundings so immediate attention and care should be given. Not only will you develop blisters on your feet, you may also be itching every minute of your sports game or work time. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the fungus tinea pedis, which often grows in areas that are moist and warm. And what can be warmer and more moist than your feet especially when inside those rubber shoes?
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