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Athlete's Foot Leads to Abscess Drain

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Other preventive measures for athlete's foot also includes keeping your feet clean by following good foot hygiene. Regularly wash your feet with soap and water to keep it clean. Try not to walk around damp areas such as shower and locker rooms on barefoot. You might be risking getting infected by doing so. When these happen, the fungus will adhere to the skin of the foot and voila, you have the start of an athlete's foot. Of course, you will not be immediately developing the infection. However, if you are not hygienic and your feet are always wet and moist, then there is a great possibility that athlete's foot will develop. The Moccasin Type Athlete s Foot, on the other hand, produces dry, silvery, and very fine scaly skin on the sole of person s foot. This type does not only infect the feet but the hands as well. People who have eczema or skin asthma are usually prone to this type of athlete s foot. The Acute Vesicular Athlete s Foot is considered as the least common type of the skin disease and is traced to those who already have chronic interdigital toe web infection. Treating The Common Skin Condition Although athlete s foot can be found in areas where you cannot avoid, it doesn t mean that you cannot treat or prevent it once you have acquired it. Medical experts say that this disease can be persistent and difficult to eliminate completely and totally but can be treated by having proper hygiene and by using medication administered by a professional. Air out your shoes Make it a habit to always air out your rubber shoes after use so that it will be dry inside. This is especially true if you have used it for so long during the day and there is sweat inside. Wear sandals When inside locker rooms or when walking by the poolside or anywhere moist, wear sandals. Sports rank almost number one among interests and hobbies of most people. There is a sport for every human being in this planet. If you do not have one, it is only because you did not go around looking for that one sport for you or worse you never tried any sport at all. Every clique and every country has a favorite sport they love and extensively promote. 

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