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Real Questions - What's the difference between ringworm and athlete's foot?

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Experts say that athlete s foot can be treated into two ways. First, the patient should maintain a regular hygiene or routine. They can start by developing a routine that would make the infected area less or not suitable for the fungus. This can be done by keeping the infected area clean and dry at all times. Symptoms of athlete's foot How do you know when you have athlete's foot? Often, people suffering from this foot problem will start to experience itching in between the toes. There will also be scaling and unusual redness in the skin. Soon after, the affected area will crack and will blister. It is important that you do not scratch the affected area as touching it will cause the skin to open up and allowing the fungus to enter deep into the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition. Fungus can live in puddles of water inside warm and moist environments such as the shower rooms in gymnasiums and other sports facilities. It is therefore important that you protect your feet by not going barefoot when inside these facilities. Another great product that can help prevent or treat the problem is an athletic pair of socks. A home cure for athlete's foot can be found in any ordinary kitchen. Garlic has proven itself as an effective fungicide that can kill the athlete's foot fungus. Crushed raw garlic placed on dry socks that you wear while sleeping is enough to help you get rid of the disease. Essential oils are another group of home remedies that can be used to effectively treat your athlete's foot. Every clique and every country has a favorite sport they love and extensively promote. Europe will never be the same without football. The United States of America can never have enough of the National Basketball Association and Superbowl. Sports channels like ESPN and Star Sports thrive on healthy ratings and steady support from advertisers. Characterized by itching and burning sensation in the feet, athlete s foot can also result to skin peeling, cracking, and extreme pain along with bleeding or redness of the foot soles. Athlete s foot usually occurs when the feet or other areas of the body stay moist and warm and eventually becomes irritated with fungus. 

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