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Fix Your ATHLETE'S FOOT for good!

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Washing your feet with soap and water often and drying them properly especially the toe webs can eliminate the moist and warm areas where the fungus thrive. 2. Avoid wearing footwear such as shoes, socks, slippers, or foot towels owned by another person. To avoid the spread of infection, don t wear someone else s footwear especially if the person already suffers from athlete s foot. It should be one s goal then to stay away from having that condition simply by taking care of one s self. Caring for your body is a must that you should never take for granted otherwise you might regret it. In the end, all the standard practices you took the time to do and occasional pampering you paid for will pay off. This fungus can be found in warm and moist areas such as shower rooms, gyms, spa houses and even by the poolside. They survive and multiply in moist places such as those and adhere to the skins of the feet when they have the chance. Here are some tips on how to prevent athlete's foot fungi from making your foot their home. You should also make sure that you wear clean socks all the time and you have a spare pair or pairs so you can change it right away once it gets soaked with sweat. Medical experts say that white cotton socks or those made from natural fibers are the most ideal for those who suffer from athlete s foot. Individuals may get the fungus from areas that are always damp and warm especially in areas around swimming pools, locker rooms and showers. Athletes make frequent use of such facilities and are therefore more likely to suffer from the disease, hence the popularity of the name. There are other fungal infections that can be similar to the ones brought about by athlete's foot such as eczema, psoriasis, and other infections and should be treated differently. Soon after, the affected area will crack and will blister. It is important that you do not scratch the affected area as touching it will cause the skin to open up and allowing the fungus to enter deep into the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition. It is also so much easier for the problem to spread to other areas of the foot when you are scratching and touching the affected area. 

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