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Treating Athlete's Foot There is actually no easier treatment for a disease than prevention. This is also true with fungal infections such as athlete's foot. But before you can actually prevent one from happening, you must first know what causes it to happen. Let's first get to know what exactly is an athlete's foot. Make use of thinner socks as much as possible if you are really required to wear the shoes. Also try to make use of talcum powder on your feet to keep it dry when you wear your shoes. Talcum powder can help absorb the perspiration from your feet and keep it dry al the time. Other preventive measures for athlete's foot also includes keeping your feet clean by following good foot hygiene. Contrary to common perception, athlete s foot is not only experienced by athletes alone. This skin disease is experienced by a person or persons who keep/s their the feet and other areas of the body moist and warm without doing proper hygiene and thus leading to irritation of the upper layer of the skin where the fungus thrives. Some symptoms of Athlete s Foot include bumps on the feet and these bumps can be innocent bumps caused by too much walking but can be a start of Athlete s Foot already. Cracked, blistered or peeling areas in any area of the feet is also a bad sign most especially if such things occur in between toes because in between the toes is the area of specialty of fungus. Another reason is that they can t avoid going to places where lots of people use the same facility such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and shower areas where the athlete s foot-causing fungi grow and thrives. Aside from these facilities, the fungus that causes the skin disease can also be found on the floors and clothing as well as to dark, warm, or humid areas. You should also make sure that you wear clean socks all the time and you have a spare pair or pairs so you can change it right away once it gets soaked with sweat. Medical experts say that white cotton socks or those made from natural fibers are the most ideal for those who suffer from athlete s foot. 

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