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Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis) - How do you treat this?

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Penicillin kills most kinds of bacteria. The most important thing to do is to go see your doctor as soon as possible because an Athlete s Foot that is not treated can spread to other parts of the body and other people that may have come in contact with the affected area. A worsened case of Athlete s Foot can be detrimental to the victim s daily activities and to his or her surroundings so immediate attention and care should be given. Itchiness on the surrounding skin is also one of the disturbing and troublesome symptoms of athlete's foot. But the sufferer may worry no more. There are a number of treatments available to get rid of athlete's foot. Over-the-counter anti-fungal medications are now available in drug stores that will be able to effectively cure your athlete's foot. What Does Athletes Foot Look Like There are other conditions that mimic Athlete s Foot that we should be aware about like that of simple disturbances in the body s sweat mechanism, reaction to certain components of the shoes like dyes or adhesives with weird chemical combinations, eczema and psoriasis. The Symptoms of Athletes Foot Many studies have proven that the major reason why people develop athlete s foot is because they can t keep their feet dry at all times. Another reason is that they can t avoid going to places where lots of people use the same facility such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and shower areas where the athlete s foot-causing fungi grow and thrives. Experts say that people who have history of cellulitis, diabetes, and those who have weak immune system are more likely to develop the skin disease compared to those who haven t. Since the fungi is quite persistent, a person who have had an athlete s foot before is likely to develop it again or can pass it to others. In some cases, the toe nails may develop a yellowish color. Athlete's foot as mentioned before, is a fungal infection caused by the organism tinea pedis. This fungus can be found in warm and moist areas such as shower rooms, gyms, spa houses and even by the poolside. They survive and multiply in moist places such as those and adhere to the skins of the feet when they have the chance. 

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