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Calluses and Athlete's Feet: No One is Immune Part 2

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It is important that you do not scratch the affected area as touching it will cause the skin to open up and allowing the fungus to enter deep into the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition. It is also so much easier for the problem to spread to other areas of the foot when you are scratching and touching the affected area. Fungus can live in puddles of water inside warm and moist environments such as the shower rooms in gymnasiums and other sports facilities. It is therefore important that you protect your feet by not going barefoot when inside these facilities. Another great product that can help prevent or treat the problem is an athletic pair of socks. Characterized by the abrupt inception of extremely painful blisters found on the sole or top of the person s foot, this type is considered as a serious skin disease because leads to waves of blisters visible in the remote sites of the body like the arms, chest, and sides of the fingers. Generally, the usual symptoms of athlete s foot may include itching, smelly, and burning feet. Wear footwear that allows air circulation. 4. Keep your footwear properly ventilated by exposing it to air for at least a day before using it again. 5. Opt for open-toe shoes or sandals especially during warm or humid weather. Tight footwear is one of the major causes of athlete s foot so make sure that you allow your feet to breathe. Athlete's foot will often cause itchiness in the toes particularly in the creases in between the toes. There will also be a lot of redness and scaling in the affected areas. When not treated, the infection can lead to blisters on the skin and yellowed toenails. Below are some of the things that you can do to prevent your feet from suffering from these really pesky infection. This routine should include means of keeping the feet or the infected area always clean and dry. Since the athlete s foot causing fungi thrive in moist, damp and warm areas, you should make sure that you eliminate possible environments for it to grow. You should also make sure that you wear clean socks all the time and you have a spare pair or pairs so you can change it right away once it gets soaked with sweat. 

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