Getting Rid of The Athlete's Foot Fungus Athlete's foot can be one of the most annoying foot problems that you may encounter. Not only will you develop blisters on your feet, you may also be itching every minute of your sports game or work time. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection caused by the fungus tinea pedis, which often grows in areas that are moist and warm. These medications usually contain substances that kill the athlete s foot causing fungi and can make the condition better if you follow the instructions carefully. Topical medications or topical antifungal agents that has miconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and a keratolytic like salicylic acid are usually given to the patient to kill the fungus. When not treated early, fungal infections like these can become really severe with the toenails becoming yellowed and thick. Treating athlete's foot Although there are topical medicines available that can help your solve this problem, prevention is always the best treatment. Always wear cotton socks when using your rubber shoes. So do people who frequent going to damp and warm areas such as common showers, locker rooms and swimming pools. Such areas also provide a good breeding ground for the fungus that people can easily get athlete's foot this way. Such infection is more common in athletes because they make use of such facilities on a regular basis, hence the origin of the term "athlete's foot". When not treated, the infection can lead to blisters on the skin and yellowed toenails. Below are some of the things that you can do to prevent your feet from suffering from these really pesky infection. Dry your feet. Make sure that your feet is dry before you get into your running shoes. After taking a bath or washing your feet, get a towel and wipe the moisture off. The acute vesicular, on the other hand, shows abrupt onset of painful blisters that can spread to different areas of the body such as arms, chest, and sides of the fingers. Studies show that the general symptoms of the skin condition such as athlete s foot include drying and itching of skin, burning sensation on the soles, and redness or blistering on the skin of the feet.
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