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Remedies for Athlete's foot

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What to do to Cure Athlete's Foot Athlete's foot is one of the most common feet problems in the country. And despite being named after an athlete, this fungal infection can actually affect everyone. Sportsmen, office people, old people, children, men and women all are affected. Athlete's foot is an infection in the feet caused by the fungus, tinea pedis, which often lives in warm and moist environments. Avoid wearing footwear such as shoes, socks, slippers, or foot towels owned by another person. To avoid the spread of infection, don t wear someone else s footwear especially if the person already suffers from athlete s foot. 3. Choose shoes that are made from natural materials such as leather. Whenever possible, don t wear footwear made from synthetic materials such as rubber shoes daily because it suffocates your feet. If all these measures failed and you now have to deal with Athlete s Foot then go to the nearest drug store because there are over the counter topical and oral medications available. You can ask for suggestions from your pharmacists which brands to buy but it does not really matter because most of these brands as long as they are not fake meds have the same working ingredients. The only way to differentiate them is by the symptoms that they show. A person suffering form athlete's foot experiences having dry skin in the foot area. Itching then tends to develop along with the scaling of the skin. Frequent scratching may lead to inflammation and then blisters. When the blisters break, they cause raw areas of the skin to become exposed, causing pain and more swelling. Chronic Interdigital Athlete s Foot is considered as the most common type of the skin disease experienced by people. It is usually characterized by scaling, fissures, and maceration found in the 4th and 5th toe webs. This type is usually the result of wearing tight-fitting and non-porous shoes that compress the toes, thus, creating a warm and moist environment between the toe webs. Treating The Condition Although athlete s foot is a common skin infection among people, it doesn t mean that you just have to get used to it. Once you have developed the skin disease, prompt treatment should be administered properly so the infection does not get worse or before you can transfer it to other people. 

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