Peptic ulcer is mainly the outcome of smoking. Moreover smoking obstructs the healing power and thereby ulcer might occur more frequently than before, because smoking aggravates ulcer hole by two fold. Smoking also triggers Crohn's disease and bile stones apart from ulcer and IBS symptoms. The poisonous substance nicotine hidden in Tobacco will lessen the strength of sphincter muscles of oesophagus in the bottom which also causes addiction towards smoking. This is possibly the reason by which alternate treatment is preferred by people. Alternative therapy comprises of several remedies like Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, yoga etc ,all of which are not related to Allopathic. Some of the examples are as follows: a) Acupuncture .It is one of the best types of alternate solution t the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable Bowel A Disease or Syndrome Most of the people have been mislead that the Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease and they are the sufferers of it. They are misguided actually. Not only they will be misguide they can also cause impair themselves because of their misguidance. The specification Irritable Bowel Disease can have lot of negations connected to it. Thus the person has to make a great effort to evacuate the faces from the body. Sometimes it may even cause pain in the abdomen and bowel b) Chunky or thick stool-One of the common symptom of IBS related to the constipation is chunky dry and thick and hard stools .This is mainly due to the fact that the digestion may lack proper amount of water in order to make the stools flaccid and easy to let off. As a result of it, the system is closely connected with the stress level of body Body's immune system is greatly strike by the three system come glands like pituitary, hypothalamus and adrenaline, all the three are directly linked with the chronic stress. The result of such impact is an inflammation in a small scale in the patients of IBS. Some of the points you have to take care are: Never eat fat contained food, alcoholic beverages or any other diary products. The matter of fact is that such food will strike symptoms in adverse condition 3) Cool Down and Relax-Don't exhaust yourself. Don't take too much tension or stress in life. Be calm and cool in your work environment, which all will have profound effect on your bowel also which aids in recovering fast.
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