One strategy that might work is NOT to send traffic directly to your affiliate website. (You will do what thousands of others are already doing.) Truth in advertising The better plan is to create a pre-sell web page. In the site, you can start a discussion on the pros and cons of your represented product. However, one of the laws of affiliate marketing that cannot be broken is that of preselling. Preselling is basically conditioning your website visitors to be ready to click to the merchant site and buy their product (and earn you your commission.) Taken together with the other affiliate marketing laws , this is the most important. Say, for instance, a gamer is looking into two game consoles, and cannot make up his mind which of the two he wants. Give him a review where the two products are thoroughly compared. Avoid being overly critical. A balanced review is more believable than a lop-sided one. Experience A review of a product where the reviewer used his personal experiences is far more interesting (and powerful) than a general one. And once they view your work, you had better be prepared to have your preselling techniques ready to turn those views into something profitable for you and the vendor site. As an affiliate site, your biggest job is to make your viewers get themselves ready to be redirected to your vendor s site. Once there, your visitors should then be ready to purchase whatever it was they were seeking in your site in the first place. Your job of preselling the product should go beyond what is already written and discussed. Your duty is to bring out complementary information or something first-hand about the product, aspects and specifications that are not found in the vendor s site. This is done by way of reviews or product comparison. Regularly post sensible and interesting comments on blogs. The blogosphere is fast expanding. There are millions of people who are checking different blogs daily. You may post controversial and interesting comments so other readers can take notice and eventually be curious about you. This way, other readers will be intrigued and will start checking you out through your Website.
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