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A Simple Self-Hypnosis Technique

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All that is needed is a desire to learn and the determination to keep going until you have acquired the desired knowledge. This is true when it comes to learning more on self hypnosis. Even though you know that there is information out there it is sometimes hard to know where to start. As human beings the majority of us need a place to start. In this you will visualize yourself coming out of the hypnosis trance and becoming alert and functioning. Visualize yourself becoming alert, then proceed to visualize yourself standing up. From there you can visualize yourself going back to normal daily activities. This should help your mind to make the distinction between hypnosis state and the alert state of mind. After all it is hard to be at work and not allow our minds to wander off to a better place. Or be driving for a long distance and not find our minds drifting off somewhere else. So once again scientists and researchers have shown us that we all have used self hypnosis whether we wanted to or not. Another form of self hypnosis is intense concentration on a project. That way during a self hypnosis session all you have to do is work on getting into a relaxed state of mind and the tape recording will do the work placing the positive messages in your mind. A tape recorded message can also be used while you are sleeping to help your subconscious mind wrap itself around these positive outlooks. If you are not committed to what you are doing then when things seem difficult you will give up. How can you master something if you give up? Therefore you must have a strong level of commitment in order to master self hypnosis. Commitment is what keeps us going and working toward our intended goal even when we are met with roadblocks. Braid would go on to discover the fixed gaze technique that could cause a sleeplike state of mind. Many more people would follow suit and in the twentieth century Milton Erickson would begin to use hypnosis in his psychiatric practice. From there it was in 1958 that the American Medical Association accepted hypnosis as a medical form of treatment. 

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