Being new to self hypnosis, you will want to read as much as you can on self hypnosis. This will allow you to see the facts about hypnosis, the myths that surround hypnosis and learn some great techniques that you can use. Self hypnosis takes time so read as much as you can and you will find what methods works best for you. Imagine yourself becoming slimmer with each healthy bite you take. Let yourself see the new you standing there. Hold on to that image as you begin to walk down the path further. Use positive messages again as you walk down this path. Tell yourself, "I will be more active", "I will take care of this new body", "I will improve my health". Modeling: This refers to the study and imitating of others who excel at what you are wanting to excel at. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: This is also known as NLP and refers to the science of modeling other people to gain a similar result. Reframing: This refers to using your imagination to visualize a different outcome for a past experience. This should help your mind to make the distinction between hypnosis state and the alert state of mind. Another way you can end the hypnosis session is to use your inner voice to talk yourself out of the hypnosis. Say to yourself in your mind what you need to for your mind to make the distinction and to draw the line mentally between hypnosis and alert. Myths surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis have no sound basis, they came about mostly because of uninformed people making an opinion on something they had no knowledge of. Myth #1- I will be made to do silly and stupid things Well let me say that no you will not be made to do anything silly or stupid. This paved the way for the many other trends in hypnosis that we would soon see coming. Stage show hypnotist made there way into the limelight and have provided the public with some fun and entertaining shows using hypnosis. This took hypnosis to a new level that had nothing to do with medicine or therapy.
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