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Self-hypnosis for pain management | Hypnotherapy

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The extent in which self hypnosis has become widespread is apparent in all those self help audio tapes that people are buying and listening to while they are in bed. This method is done in the hopes of achieving positive results while a sleep that will carry over into the waking conscionce. This is a far cry from the earlier day of hypnosis and even the earlier days of self hypnosis. Being new to self hypnosis, you will want to read as much as you can on self hypnosis. This will allow you to see the facts about hypnosis, the myths that surround hypnosis and learn some great techniques that you can use. Self hypnosis takes time so read as much as you can and you will find what methods works best for you. You can learn how to use self hypnosis to manage your pain and thus avoid the health risks associated with pain killers. Self hypnosis for pain management can give you back your life. If you are new to self hypnosis then start by reading up on what you can about self hypnosis. Learn how to do an induction and how to deepen the trance of a hypnosis session. Sleep should not elude you nor should you be dependant upon drugs to help you to get the sleep you need. The above self hypnosis audio tapes and audio Cds will give you back the control you need to get the sleep you want and need. All of these audio tapes and Cds work, the one you choose to use is dependant upon what you like and what sounds you want to hear. Then as the couch start the session and have everyone begin their induction. Once everyone has reached a deep level of hypnosis begin using the positive messages. After the hypnosis session watch and see what progress mentally and physically you are seeing in your team members. Sometimes positive messages have to be done to fit the individual. Now visualize yourself standing in front of this table eating the healthy foods that are on it. Imagine yourself becoming slimmer with each healthy bite you take. Let yourself see the new you standing there. Hold on to that image as you begin to walk down the path further. Use positive messages again as you walk down this path. 

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