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Self-hypnosis: the Betty Erickson 3-2-1 technique

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Ways Self Hypnosis Will Save You Money Hiring a hypnotist can cost hundreds of dollars depending on the amount of sessions that are required the reason you are using a hypnotist. The amount of money that is totaled up can over time become costly. The only question is why hire a hypnotist when you can do it yourself? Many people use self hypnosis to stop smoking, manage pain, build self confidence and so much more. Self hypnosis works by imprinting positive messages into the subconscious part of the mind that will eventually carry over into the alert conscious part of the mind. There are however something that no matter how much you may want it to work, self hypnosis is just not going to change. When we are hypnotized the hypnotist will tap into our subconscious mind allowing them to place subliminal messages into our unconscious section of our minds. Self hypnosis is the same concept only you are placing your self into a hypnotized state. By using self hypnosis you are using your mind during a restful state so that you can change habits, behavior and personality traits to all for you to reach your goals. Another way you can end the hypnosis session is to use your inner voice to talk yourself out of the hypnosis. Say to yourself in your mind what you need to for your mind to make the distinction and to draw the line mentally between hypnosis and alert. One thing you can say to yourself is that I am going to count backwards from 5 and when I reach 1 I will become alert. Waking hypnosis: This refers to being hypnotized naturally while we are awake and functioning. This can be done while zoning out in front of the television, becoming extremely engrossed in a book or even daydreaming. During this state you are awake but you are totally focused on just that one thing and nothing else. From the self help audio tapes came trend of people actually trying to self hypnotize themselves to achieve the same results that a doctor or trained hypnotist would achieve. As with hypnosis there came much controversy and criticism over self hypnosis as there was in the past over hypnosis. Many in society believed these people to be weird and eccentric. 

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