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Brian Tracy - The Power of Self Confidence

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Probably people do things for you when they feel like you cant do things on your own. These are subtle triggering instances that would all contribute to your eventual loss of self confidence. Because of such poor models and lack of attention given on you, you would soon find that you are really incapable of doing things when in fact you have gifts beyond your own reckoning. And because achievements add largely to the development of self confidence, these people benefit from knowing that they are somehow capable of doing something. You may already have heard the phrase- "its all in the mind". And to many psychological and emotional conditions, we can actually say that everything is all in the mind. Depending on your focus, you can either help take out yourself from having too low self confidence or to land on the floor face flat. If you can redirect your focus on your attributes that will help you build yourself confidence then by all means do. Sometimes, even when people are around to help us, it is only we that we can actually raise ourselves back. It just means that he was ale to recognize his capabilities and put this discovery on his own advantage. Generally, self confidence and the manner by which we increase them are achieved only when we dare to do things that we first thought are way out of our own capacities. We sometimes fail to recognize that simple things can help in delivering to us the glories of confidence. If we would only recognize the innate genius that lives in each of us then we would be able to achieve far more than our wildest dreams would command. We only have one life and we only have one self to live with. Why waste this life because the self did not believe in the potentials he has? Now, if you don't want to fall into history who is someone who failed to start dreaming then you must act now and be convinced that dreams don't starts with "d" and end with "s". It is not something that we don't all have. You may not posses it now yet this does not imply that you are deprived of the capacity to develop it. Everyone is entitled to self confidence and luckily, all opportunities are laid in our front, only we have to recognize them. We cannot afford to lose the value of one lifetime just because we missed too much of good life in exchange for not having been able to live our dreams. 

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