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Confidence baby

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The problem now comes with identifying the real people who endure low self confidence, not those who have no self confidence. Remember that there can never be a vacuum in human being. Every place must be filled and so there is no such thing as no self confidence. Instead we can use too low self confidence. Thus, with every negative input we receive from this critic, we are left upset and unconfident. It is like tearing the walls that we have built for long in exchange for a few unjust remarks that we rarely need. Avoid using sweeping statements about yourself because these are the very things that would eventually strip you off your good self image. Because of such poor models and lack of attention given on you, you would soon find that you are really incapable of doing things when in fact you have gifts beyond your own reckoning. Your belief on their beliefs would then send you blaming yourselves for all your failures. And at times, you would even convince yourself that you are also responsible for the failures of those people you have close contact with. Negative inputs must be avoided except of course those that would be beneficial to his development. Every negative comment must be minimized before children, with their minds as blank as a white paper would take every foul remarks, every pessimistic word and every discouragement as facts that he would learn to believe into. All of us were endowed with special attributes though we rarely recognize these gifts. We may see that men were not created equal but there surely must be a universal stuff that balances all things. We are all capable of being self confident. It not a thing that we can touch nor see. It not something that was given to the person sitting next to you while you may not share the blessings it might result to. Low self worth is a state that is closely associated with feeling of unimportance, sadness, depression, inadequacy, diminished sense of self, insecurities, self loath and an over all sinking feeling. Letting a child live in these conditions would deprive him of options for growth. Instead, he would have to endure self-sabotaging behaviors and decisions that are manifested through low self confidence. 

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