And this very uniqueness can directly affect how self confident we are, from childhood to grave. Raising children is not enough. Parents must be careful not to affect their children's sense of self in any negative way possible. Every experience he has encountered in his childhood that would be detrimental to his self confidence must be avoided because in the end, it is not only the child who would suffer, the parent would suffer with him. From our birth comes the weak foundation of our inner self confidence. We are then responsible of intensifying this fortress as we age. Being unable to do so is a form of disregard towards the precious gifts that accompany self confidence. If you failed to develop your self confidence as a child then think of it as a loss that you must learn from. We can achieve the development of our confidence is a multitude of ways. Activities like developing your verbal skills through writing and public relations will help largely in increasing your sense of self. Most of us have the fear of facing the public. Yet once we get over this fear, we are likely to discover more of our capabilities later own. Obviously, the first step before we truly gain enough self confidence is for us to understand the entirety of being ourselves. This would entail our knowledge of everything that we are capable of doing and everything that we cannot do superbly or we cannot actually do. This also includes our talents, skills, weaknesses, fortes and anything and everything in between. Guides to Help You in Gaining Self Confidence Self confidence is one of the many things we think everyone else have expect us. Don't be harsh with yourself. Of course you are in equal footing with the person standing next to you. If he has the confidence you admire and you loath for not having the same confidence then don't get caught with the idea that you can't be like him. But it may also be used as a help to recognize other people's failure to act or when we become invisible ourselves. Invisibility is an entrapment we must all avoid to maintain an ideal state of confidence and self esteem. For with visibility, our attributes would be recognized and our value as a person would remain.
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