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Suffering From Lack of Self-Confidence? | Sadhguru

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If we believe that our childhood did not become an effective means to acquire our self confidence then we must realize that it is never too late to improve. If, however, you have become too comfortable in your comfort zone and could not muster enough will to improve your self confidence then be assured of an ordinary life, deprived of the real challenges and pleasures that everyone is entitled to. The thing though is that experience and time are often good teachers, if we truly take them as such. We will live with ourselves for as long as we live with them. Our "self" will accompany us through the course of our life. Somehow, we would learn to live with it. To love it and to accept the truth that many things about it do change and develop. After knowing all these things, you need to accept that these are facts and love yourself and your imperfections. Keep in mind that no one is ever perfect however he wanted to be. So there is no sense for you to be harsh on yourself over a few flaws that everyone else has. The thing is, we just have to accept everything about us. We just have to find our own enlightenment to be able to achieve the building of good foundations for our self esteem and self confidence. Changes must come from within before we can accept the assistance that comes from outside. Realization of how valuable you are and how beautifully you were created cannot be helped by outside reinforcement if you, yourself do not want to accept this one simple truth. There are lots of ways that you may take to help you improve your self confidence. The keys are to have the positive attitude that anybody can do anything and adaptation of the belief that you can be anybody and you can be anything you set your mind to be. If all else fails, remember the moments when you felt good because you were able to achieve something by feeling good about yourself. Everyone is properly equipped with all the facilities that one can develop from, with a few exemptions of course. Each child has an innate capacity to succeed, only adults should be able to trigger his development. Childhood is the most ideal juncture from which we may build the foundations of self confidence. 

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