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4 Small Habits To Improve Self Esteem

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The past is a stale check, the future is a blind hope. You can only bargain on the "now" that you have. Build your foundations on it and start anew. It is never too late to gain back the confidence you have lost or the confident you never actually have. Take stock of yourself. From the moment of our birth to the day we die, our gifts would remain in us. This can only be done by reflecting one's values and behaviors. If you find it hard to detach yourself from the actual situation or to stay away from thought rumination, you may rely on other people's assistance. But you see, any form of self analysis is beneficial so long as it is properly guided. Depending on your focus, you can either help take out yourself from having too low self confidence or to land on the floor face flat. Depending on your treatment of things, the end might as well be considered as the beginning. The start of a new trial. All we need is to take the positive attitude and make ourselves believe that some things are meant to fail on our first trials and then luck would follow us. Our route for development is always towards a specific goal. You may not have deliberately said it recently but since you are used to hearing yourself mumble- "I am a looser", or "I'm not worthy of anything", your subconscious self might as well believe that these are the facts. Even now as we speak, many out there believe in these statements. Low self worth is a state that is closely associated with feeling of unimportance, sadness, depression, inadequacy, diminished sense of self, insecurities, self loath and an over all sinking feeling. Letting a child live in these conditions would deprive him of options for growth. Instead, he would have to endure self-sabotaging behaviors and decisions that are manifested through low self confidence. These may not actually be said direct on our face but their actions and sneers are enough to convince us that we are losers. Perhaps you live under cold critical eyes that know nothing of imperfection. Or maybe you are the underling of a brother who achieves in school, thus the intense focus on him and frequent disregard for you. 

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