All of us had an equal chance to develop our sense of self, even when it feels like our fellow is much blessed than us. We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. We all have our shares of blessing and our shares of challenges. It just lies in our perception of things and the manner by which we handle things. We don't always want the responsibility of being the top dog. However, we all need recognition and as such, we have to develop our physical presence, both for self realization and for other people's appreciation. A good physical presence would help us communicate our dominance or at least our value in a circle of people. Though the effects vary largely, at times these may be subtly felt and at times, we feel like our reactions to stimuli are commanded by our perception of things. Children don't know these things though along with other things that are essential to living life fully. They are not even aware that the juncture they are presently into is the peak of initial development. Take stock of yourself and refrain from making excuses such as looking at your neighbor's fences while blinding your eyes from the gold mine that is present in your own grounds. All has a beauty that no one can take away save ourselves. We were all gifted with talents and skills and beauty and wonder along with the gift to use or disregard them. Don't waste this very opportunity by putting loads in your back so you would be delimited and thus, incapable of flying. Be like an eagle who has unearthed himself from the mud of being a chicken. Chickens are meant for slaughter. In the same way, if we choose to be chickens then we would have to accept the reality that our purpose would be defeated. We were given all the artillery to face what lies in our grounds, we were given the people to which we may anchor our faith, we were given enough skills and attributes to help us brave the challenges of growth. The difference though comes from our innate drive to improve and to develop. It also lies in our interpretations and acceptance of things.
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