Instead of allowing these to trouble you, treat them as your learning grounds for not committing mistakes. Then don't allow these failures to hold back your growth. You see, in the end it all lies in the attitude we take to deal things out. We must be very careful with the way we handle things. If we think too negative of ourselves and the events interplaying with our lives, we would never learn to get over our low self confidence. Suggestions may come from outward sources but in the end, it will be you and yourself that will set out to do the battle. Changes must begin from you. You may start with talking to yourself using positive statements like "you are great" (for you truly are a great individual waiting for your talents to be tapped). You would be exposed to your imperfections and since control is not yet yours, it is possible that you will be eaten by your own flows. This condition is closely intertwined with thought rumination wherein you seem to go around in your circle of thoughts about your losses and failures regardless of your achievements. These may not actually be said direct on our face but their actions and sneers are enough to convince us that we are losers. Perhaps you live under cold critical eyes that know nothing of imperfection. Or maybe you are the underling of a brother who achieves in school, thus the intense focus on him and frequent disregard for you. It is obvious that low self confidence can hinder us from our growth. It will always pull us down into the realms of mediocre life and dullness. It will make ways so that we would fit in the gaps of the non-achievers, the humiliated and the lowly people. There is no such world but because men tend not to listen to the voices that encourage them to believe in themselves, this world came forth to life. If you can say that you are confident enough then good! But don't settle yourself with what's enough. There will always be gaps and you should cease the opportunities for improvement. If, however, you answered no then don't tarry. Wasting your life to senseless whimpers of negativism would obviously cause you to regret everything at the every moment you depart.
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